Magical Textured Painting Set
Want more texture to your paint brushes? Want to mash your brush into the canvas without ruining & spending too much money on actual paint brushes? Want to just make it look like you painted on an old poster or bathroom wall? Try the Magical Painting Set! A set with a variety of brushes & blenders for those who enjoy digital painting with a little extra something to it.
This set includes:
- 38 main brushes, from broad flat brushes to tiny detailers
- 17 extra texture-y brushes
- 15 bristly bristles
- 6 duo colored brushes (main + sub)
- 8 air brushes
- 19 blenders
- A few brushes previously released on the CSP Assets store
There is also a sample set that contains 8 brushes for you to try before you buy. All brushes should be compatible with CSP 1.9 & above, let me know if there is any trouble. Thanks for having a look, happy painting!💞
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